My Approach

A Lacanian analyst works by delving into a patient's unconscious mind and how they use language to understand themselves and their world. They encourage patients to freely express their thoughts and feelings, often uncovering hidden issues and patterns. The analysis pays close attention to how patients transfer their emotions, which helps to reveal deeper psychological aspects. In contrast to some other therapies, the Lacanian analyst actively talks with the patient and challenges him/her in the conversation. The goal is to help the patient to understand their self-identity and how they see the world.

In summary, a Lacanian analyst assists patients in uncovering the hidden forces at play in their minds. It believes that many of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are influenced by unconscious desires and conflicts. The analysis helps the patient bring these hidden aspects to light. Through active dialogue, patients are encouraged to freely express themselves, often through a process called "free association." This involves saying whatever comes to mind without censoring themselves. This way, patients can gain a deeper insight into themselves and their relationships with others.

Contact Me

Constanza Oriana, B.A

Córdoba, Argentina.
(+54) 3512403882

For any questions or consults, feel free to reach me: